The Comenius Network STENCIL has been funded with support from the European Commission within the Lifelong Learning Programme, and has been running from 2011.
STENCIL involves members from 9 different European countries: Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, Turkey, working together to the improvement of science teaching.
Main STENCIL outcomes are:
- The European Online Catalogue of Science Education Initiatives, including more than 1200 projects on different subjects from many European schools and countries.
- The Annual Reports on the State of Innovation in Science Education, presenting innovative practices at national and EU level.
- The Guidelines and the Manifesto for teaching and learning science in creative ways focusing on the main issues for innovation.
During its life spam STENCIL network organised 7 Study Visits and Workshops in different partner countries to illustrate innovative practices in science education and 3 International Conferences respectively in Nancy (FR), in Kassel (DE) and in Bologna (IT) to promote the Network and its results among teachers, school managers, teacher trainers, school authorities, policy makers, and all key players in science education.
In 2012 and 2013 STENCIL members launched a Call for participants to award the most innovating projects among those included in the European Catalogue of science education initiatives.
STENCIL promotional material
- Flyer
- Flyer - Email version
- Poster