The "Communities" are virtual online spaces for the exchange on practices and ideas among schools, teachers and science education practitioners all over Europe. By contacting the national team of each community you can send articles and information on your school projects or other science education initiatives and relevant web sites or events you want to promote.
Within the STENCIL web portal you will find two different kinds of Communities:
The national communities address teachers, schools, school heads, decision makers and all people involved in science education in the STENCIL partner countries. They inform about national, regional and local school projects, initiatives, news and events, and are edited in the national partner languages.
Enter your STENCIL national community by clicking the country name in the list here below:
Malta (MT), Bulgaria (BG), France (FR), Germany (DE), Greece (EL), Italy (IT), Portugal (PT), Slovenia (SI), Turkey (TR).This is a virtual space for fostering the cooperation and exchange among teachers, schools, decision makers, and practitioners in science education from different European countries.
The European Community is also dedicated to science education projects carried out at European level, like Comenius or eTwinning projects.
All schools and actors in science education all over Europe may use this space as a showcase to promote and disseminate their projects, websites and other online resources as well as to exchange ideas and start cooperation in view of new European projects.