The European Online Catalogue of Science Education Initiatives includes initiatives directly submitted online by teachers and schools from all over Europe by filling in a questionnaire which documents the key elements of the school practices. Initiatives submitted are validated by project partners and made accessible by subjects, school levels, country, keywords, etc.
The Annual Reports on the State of Innovation in Science Education are published at the end of 2011, 2012 and 2013 and include the results of the joint reflection on science education themes and models carried out by STENCIL members as well as the detailed descriptions of the innovative practices identified at national and European level, paying particular attention to Comenius and other EU funded projects.
Study Visits are regularly organised from / to schools and other partner institutions in order to illustrate good and innovative practices in science education. A total of 7 study visits will take place in the following partners countries: Italy, Greece, France, Portugal, Germany, and Malta, in occasion of partner meetings. Also external users are invited to participate in these study visits, namely teachers and school managers.
Workshops are regularly organised during the project life span for both members and external beneficiaries, mainly teachers, school managers, teacher trainers, etc. focussing on themes and methodologies related to the good practices identified by STENCIL members and adopting a peer to peer learning approach. A total of 7 workshops will take place in the following partner countries: Italy, Greece, France, Portugal, Germany, and Malta, in occasion of partner meetings.
International conferences are organised in France, Germany and Italy, addressing teachers, school managers, teacher trainers, school authorities, policy makers, and all key players in science education in order to promote the Annual Reports as well as to present the good practices identified in this framework. They will also to provide occasions of informal exchanges, common reflections and debates, as well as working sessions and social events.
A Call for participants will be launched every year to schools having carried out the successful transfer of a good practice among those highlighted in the Annual Report. An award will be given to the winner school/s.
The Guidelines and Manifesto for teaching and learning science in a creative way will provide educational authorities and policy makers with tools and models for innovating science education in their countries, especially focused on the establishment of contacts between Research and School.